Friday, December 18, 2015

Slow start yesterday, ended with knitting into the night to get caught up

Yesterday started off slow in the knitting and spinning department, only because I had some paperwork for my business to do.  However, it still ended up great......even if I knitted into the night to try and get caught up.  Anyways, after I ended my blog yesterday, I picked up my knitting needles and went to work.
I ended my knitting with 74 repeats, but first thing this morning I was at it again and now have  81 repeats (that's 324 rows), knitted.
I then measured it to see if its, the length I need and its 44 inches long, which means I'm almost there.
Back to yesterday though, I did manage to get some spinning done.
I still have some room left to fill this bobbin and hopefully, today it will be filled.
My mom's and brother's Christmas presents are coming along great.
I finished the cuff and started on the leg.  I think I managed to get 2 repeats of the pattern I'm doing (which is a double basket weave).
My brother's Christmas present is just about the same length as my mom's
I have the cuff finished and I stopped on the 12th row of the pattern I'm doing (which is a Seeded Ribbing Check).  I usually only work 1 pair of socks at a time, but this time I thought I'd work on both at the same time.  My mom's will probably work up slightly as hers are a size 7 and my brothers is a size 9 1/2.  Hopefully though I'll finish them both close to each other.
Now, I'm off to the spinning room to start spinning for the day!

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