Thursday, December 31, 2015

Knitting and Spinning away on the last day of the year.

Well, here I go knitting and spinning on the last day of the year.  I was hoping that I'd get another project finished before the year ended, but I didn't!  Oh well!!  Here's how today went though.
First off I packaged up this lovely Handspun - Woven - Wildberry - Colonial Blend - Shawlette for a customer.
Then I sat down and continued knitting on the Handspun - Knitted - Maleficent - Mohair - Irish Lace - Cowl
It really coming along now, but I think I still have some more knitting to do, before it will be finished.  I roughly have a little over 44 rows knitted on this cowl so far.  I then headed upstairs to do some spinning.
I almost had the first bobbin refilled again, just need to spin up another batt and it should be filled.  Then I came back downstairs and started knitting on my mom's very late Christmas present.
The instep is really coming along now, I only have 24 more rows to knit and then, it will be time to start taking off for the toes.  Soon I'll be starting on the mate!  Then I picked up my brother's Christmas present, which is now looking like it will be his birthday present (his birthday is on the 14th).
I finished the gusset and started on the instep.  I think these two socks are having a race to see which one is going to be finished first.  LOL
So now the last day of the year is almost gone and the knitting and spinning is done for this year. 
A new year of spinning, knitting, dyeing and weaving starts tomorrow!!

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