Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Time at the #spinning wheel

Well, now that I have no other projects currently to work on...........I'm spending a lot of time at my spinning wheel, as you saw from yesterday's post.  So today was pretty much the same, only not as many pictures to show off.  Today I started off where I left off yesterday, in plying up the 17th skein of Handspun White Alpaca.
Soon, though I had another full bobbin of plied Handspun White Alpaca Yarn, ready to be wound off onto my niddy noddy, then washed and hung to dry. 
Then I replaced an empty bobbin with a 1/4 full bobbin of handspun single alpaca and started in spinning again to refill it.
Time flies by, so fast when I'm sitting at the spinning wheel.

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