Monday, February 8, 2016

Busy Weekend!

Wow, what a weekend!  Snow on Saturday morning, roughly 6 inches.  Snow blower bogging down, so only got the driveway halfway cleared.   Sunday the sun came out and we went to the lumber yard to get the remaining lumber for the greenhouse we will be building in the spring.  I did get some spinning done though, over both days.
This was Saturday's spinning.
These three pictures were Sunday's spinning.
Sunday night though, we found that our boiler was leaking, so we turned off the emergency switch, started mopping up 2 buckets of water that had leaked out on to the basement floor, then turned on a fan to dry out the floor.  We slept on the couch last night, under piles of handmade quilts, so that we could go downstairs and check to make sure the boiler wasn't leaking anymore. 
This morning we called the oil company and they sent a repairman out immediately.  He replaced 2 air bleeders and the big 5 gal. air accumulator tank.  Now we have heat once again and its time for the spinning wheel to start spinning once again.

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